Mobile Growth Blog

A page of expert insights into mobile app growth.
Browse through our words of wisdom here.
man smiling into camera with blue shirt on as part of mass appeal podcast image
Loyalty and Retention , Mass Appeal Podcast
Returning Value to Users with Cashback from E-Commerce Brands
two young women laughing and looking at their phones
User Acquisition
App Rewarding Psychology: How to Reward App Users
young man standing with a panda toy
Loyalty and Retention , Mass Appeal Podcast
How Apps Can Change the Habits of People
young woman looking down at phone with QSR app mockup
Loyalty and Retention , Mobile Games
3 Ways QSR Apps Can Drive Continuous User Engagement 
decorative image of sergio palau crossing his arms
Mass Appeal Podcast , User Acquisition
How PAYBACK Grew Its Brand to Reach a Third of German Households
young woman looking down at her phone with text app monetization trends 2024
App Monetization Trends: 3 Ways to Monetize an App in 2024
purple decorative image for episode 4 of Mass Appeal podcast
Mass Appeal Podcast , Mobile Games
Improving the Performance of Free-to-Play Games
two young people sat down holding phones with WAVE Exchange logo and publisher and advertiser icons
Programmatic Ads
5 Reasons Why Plugging in to WAVE Exchange Is Better for Business
young man smiling at camera with decorative illustrations around him
Loyalty and Retention , Mass Appeal Podcast
Optionality: The Future of Loyalty in Mobile Apps
young man with beard smiling into camera with incons showing playtime and coins and a phone screen
How to Maximize Ad Revenue in 5 Steps with Playtime

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