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young man with headphones with mockup of playtime offers
App Monetization

3 Ways Playtime Increases App Engagement and Publisher Revenue

What is Playtime?

Why is it celebrated by so many global mobile publishers for driving higher revenue and mobile app engagement?

adjoe’s Playtime solution has made its name in the market as a highly effective and powerful rewarded monetization solution for publishers to plug into their existing stack. It’s a rewarded in-app arcade built to leverage mobile users’ interest in mobile games, increase app engagement, and scale app revenue. 

Playtime has brought app publishers revenue uplifts of up to 70 percent – and brought global mobile users a premium in-app gaming experience.

banner linking to publisher success stories for higher engagement and revenue

Who Benefits from This Plug-In App Solution?

Our growth managers have worked with publishers – in APAC, North America, Europe, and other regions – with a daily active user count of up to five million. They’ve managed to scale revenue for apps in the gaming, loyalty, rewarded, crypto, and finance verticals. 

The common criteria between all these apps is that they 

  • have an in-app currency (points, coins)
  • want to drive positive and compelling user experiences
  • want to boost their app revenue 

Once plugged in, the rewarded monetization solution enables app users to collect a publisher app’s in-app currency for every minute and/or event they complete playing the world’s top mobile games.

user flow of how to increase app engagement with Playtime

Whether a user is low on the in-app currency they need or they just want to unlock more features in the app without paying real cash, they can opt in to this fun gamified app experience to earn Playtime rewards. 

Integrating high-quality gamified elements through Playtime encourages users to spend more time in apps and interact with its features and content.  Publishers, of course, immediately benefit from higher app engagement and revenue, while ensuring their in-app experience feels premium, personalized and lets users play the games they want to play.

This altogether translates into a superior mobile app engagement and a powerful new revenue stream for publishers, with ARPDAUs increasing by up to 30 percent in some cases.

How Do Playtime Rewards Prevent Churn?

Rewarded ads are often not rewarding enough. 

Users drop off when they become frustrated by not receiving the right compensation for their time, when the rewards are too difficult to achieve, or when the rewards become less generous over time. 

This is when a user churns. It’s at this point that publishers must either accept that they’ll no longer make money from this user or they must pay for their efforts to re-engage this user. Put simply, user churn equals wasted costs. 

So, why do publishers experience less churn with Playtime?

1. Instant, Continuous, and Dynamic Playtime Rewards

Playtime doesn’t just provide users with a single reward for completing one action. Users are continuously on their phones – up to five hours a day in some corners of the world. So, why not continuously reward these mobile-first users for engaging with the apps they install?

Users earn rewards continuously through up to 20 reward milestones for each mobile game they install via Playtime. This is what makes this rewarded monetization solution different from many others in the market – particularly traditional offerwalls.

quote from Eric Yoo at PlayToWin

Publishers can decide to participate in special promotion weekends, such as public holidays, and multiply the Playtime rewards their users receive. In return, they see higher eCPMs as advertisers increase their bids for high-quality traffic. Users also have more in-app currency to spend, which helps increase app engagement.

2. Helpful Toast Notifications

And then we pass the baton to notifications.  

Playtime prides itself on high engagement rates, with publishers reporting increases in app open rates by up to 30 percent. Toast and in-app notifications have a large part to play in these numbers. 

Playtime users receive a toast notification in the advertiser’s app as soon as they receive their in-app currency. By boosting the visibility of a publisher’s app during gameplay, users then return to the publisher’s app to collect their rewards and continue enjoying the app.

Phone screens showing how users see notifications to remind them of Playtime rewards

adjoe’s growth managers help publishers achieve maximum impact with their notification strategy to drive users to spend more time in the app and attract better-quality users.

3. Reliable Rewards and a Trustworthy UX

Unlike many other mobile ad formats, Playtime puts both the publisher and the user first. 

First impressions count, which is why it’s important that a publisher’s users can understand the value of Playtime before they opt in to its unique premium experience. From the moment they opt in, publishers can customize Playtime’s UI to immerse users in a native brand experience. 

Screenshot of adjoe dashboard showing how publishers can upload asset to make experience more native

The white-label rewarded monetization solution ensures publishers can customize their Playtime header and in-app currency for better conversion rates and brand visibility.

The white-label rewarded monetization solution ensures publishers can customize their header and in-app currency for better conversion rates and brand visibility.

But it’s more than the UI – it’s also the UX. The users only see gaming offers that are personalized to them as individuals through the power of machine learning and first-party targeting. Once in the Playtime experience, each user receives offers for games based on their age, gender, mobile interests, operating system, and device type. This inevitably leads to greater engagement and conversion rates – but also greater trust between the user and the publisher.

Rewarded Monetization That Delivers Results

The name of the game is gamification. The prize is greater long-term app engagement and revenue – and less dependency on existing monetization channels. 

Each app vertical will benefit from veering away from an IAP-dominated monetization strategy. As eCPMs are expected to increase, ad monetization will become more important for app publishers, who will search for ad formats that enhance the app UX and increase app engagement, such as Playtime. 

With Playtime’s unique approach to rewarded monetization that speaks to billions of mobile gamers worldwide, more and more app publishers are paving the way for a player-first narrative in adtech – one that also brings them a new and reliable revenue stream.

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