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purple background with phone screen showing crypto app wallet with decorative icons around it
Mobile Gaming

6 Things You Didn’t Know about Your Crypto User Base 

Are you reading this from the crypto wallet space? Do you want to expand your crypto user base? Have you considered tapping into mobile gamers? 

If you haven’t, is it because you don’t know how this audience could connect with your app? 

We’ve analyzed behavioral data from more than 20 million crypto wallet users around the world between January and July 2023, looking at 

  • the time they spent in crypto wallets
  • how these users interact with mobile gaming apps on their phone
  • their mobile gaming preferences 

With these insights come fresh new initiatives: Discover how to transform a mass of engaged mobile gamers into loyal play-to-earn crypto earners for your app.

infographic showing 6 facts about crypto user base and their mobile gaming behavior

1. Men Spend 34% Longer in Crypto Wallets Than Women 

When you’re looking at acquiring quality users for your crypto wallet, you need to look at who you’re already a hit with and start building your strategy from there. 

Our data has revealed that men engage in longer sessions in their crypto wallets compared with women. The average time all users spend in their crypto wallets is around three minutes per day. Men tend to spend about 34 percent more time in these apps than women.

INITIATIVE: To tap into greater engagement metrics for your crypto app, optimize your UA campaigns to target especially men – but also implement mechanisms in your app that will boost session times for women.

2. 35- to 44-Year-Olds Engage Most with Crypto Wallets

The 35- to 44-year-old age group engaged the most – that is, spent the most time at 3.6 minutes per day – in their crypto wallets.

Why this age group? Logic would suggest these users are most established in their careers and have a higher disposable income. They are therefore more likely to be interested in financial planning, wealth diversification, and investment.

line graph showing 35- to 44-year-olds engage most with crypto wallets

INITIATIVE: This is the demographic you want to look at acquiring more of to boost interaction with your crypto app. But you should also explore other initiatives to connect with younger audiences and drive them into the financial planning landscape and cryptosphere.

3. 80% of Crypto Users Have at Least Three Mobile Games Installed

Here’s where the potential of mobile gaming comes in to grow crypto apps.  

Crypto wallet users, according to our data, want quick and engaging apps besides the apps monitoring their crypto assets. That‘s why the vast majority (80 percent) of these users have at least three mobile games installed.

person holding mobile phone screen with decorative stat: 80% of crypto users have 3+ games installed

This is why gamers are a powerful persona for crypto wallet publishers. Not only do they make crypto apps more accessible to the masses (there are two billion mobile gamers worldwide) – we know that there is a high likelihood that your users are already mobile gamers. So you might as well leverage this.

INITIATIVE: Expand your user base by integrating mobile games into your crypto wallet. Doing this wisely will forge stronger connections between your app and its users who are already mobile gamers. Most importantly, however, you’ll connect with the mobile gamers who haven’t yet found a way to penetrate the crypto space.

4. Wallet Users Are 10× More Engaged with Mobile Games

Mobile games perform 10 times better than crypto wallets when it comes to engagement metrics.

In the time that it takes one mobile gamer to play their average session of 30 minutes, ten different crypto users would have opened their wallets and closed them again. Mobile games – the right mobile games – draw users in and keep them there. 

Men and women dedicate almost equal amounts of time to mobile gaming. Men play an average of 31.9 minutes per day and women 30.8 minutes. So, unlike crypto apps, the mobile gaming vertical boasts equal enjoyment and engagement across both genders.

clock chart showing engagement times for mobile gamers and crypto wallet users

INITIATIVE: Crypto app publishers should look beyond just capitalizing on mobile games to grow their reach. Mobile games can also lift their app’s session durations and attract equal engagement from both genders.

5. 61% of Crypto Wallet Users Play Casual Games 

A significant 61% of crypto wallet users play casual games, making it the most popular gaming genre within this community. These are games designed for the mass market that typically don’t require much concentration and allow users to escape everyday boredom or stress.

Following closely behind are action games, played by 55 percent of crypto users, and puzzle games, enjoyed by 51 percent.

bar chart showing which mobile game genre crypto users play

INITIATIVE:  Expand your crypto wallet’s user base further by looking at which gaming verticals you should partner with to attract a larger user base to your app.

6. Crypto Wallet Users Are All about Action

Crypto wallet users spent the longest time this year caught up in the action of action games.

Why action? The fast-paced landscape of cryptocurrency could have something to do with it. Gamers are drawn to spending time immersed in the challenges of action games, which go hand in hand with their crypto ventures. 

Daily app usage for action games is longer than 20 minutes. That’s three times longer than the second most engaging genre, strategy games.

bar chart showing gaming genre crypto user base engages most with

INITIATIVE: We’re moving on from attracting a larger user base to attracting a larger, more engaged user base. To take your UA strategy to the next level, look at which gaming genres you could integrate into your app’s crypto-earning experience to amplify engagement further.

Grow Crypto Apps with Play-to-Earn Possibilities

Turn these insights into initiatives – for greater reach, for greater engagement, for greater user experience. 

Publishers in the crypto wallet space know they must look beyond their few high-value users and branch out into a larger and more loyal market of users who will generate additional revenue by trading, buying, and selling crypto. 

Connecting specific users such as mobile gamers with crypto will only take place once these users overcome their hesitancy to enter the cryptosphere and test the crypto waters with a digital world that is familiar (and fun) to them.

Maximize engagement with your app

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